27 Haziran 2019 Perşembe

Hakan Kalkan

Kanal Açıklaması (Hakkında)

Merhabalar, Ben uzman astrolog Hakan Kalkan Eril dişil enerji açılımı, tek soru astroloji danışmanlığı, doğum haritası danışmanlığı ve sinastri doğum haritası danışmalığı için 0552 310 11 59 cep telefonu numaramı arayabilir yada Watshapp'dan yazabilirsiniz.Unutmayın geçmişi değiştiremeyiz ama geleceği birlikte inşa edebiliriz. Saygılar ve sevgiler  

Anahtar Kelimeler;

24 Haziran 2019 Pazartesi

Tarihi Yunan Evleri Otelleri

UNESCO's World Heritage site Sinasos, we had a 600-year-old historic building and a magnificent hotel with its historical texture intact. We are 400 meters from AYANIKOLA monastery, one of the world's most important monasteries, and 300 meters from St. Constantine'S Eleni KLISESI.SOCIAL

22 Haziran 2019 Cumartesi

Avukat Adana

Avukat olmak için belli şartların olmalı. 

Türk vatandaşı olmak,
Hukuk fakültesi mezunu olmak
Staj bitmiş olmak
Avukatlığa engel yok

14 Haziran 2019 Cuma

Quality Olives Buy Olives Best Olives


Boot green olive brine, previously prepared as a home need for the market because of the desire to return to the commercial direction. As a result of this method, the number of table olives making broth is increasing.

The olives to be evaluated as boots green olives should be preferred to be selected from olive varieties such as Ayvalık oil and Çakır with hard eten, instead of varietal table olive varieties. instead of processing the varieties as a table instead of oil processing is the benefit of the manufacturer.

The main stages of preparing boot green olives are:

If we see how these phases should be done in order;


The olives to be evaluated as boot olives should be harvested within the period from the time when the varieties take the normal size and the dark green color starts to open up to the time until the partial pinkness occurs. Quality Olives


The collected olives should be transported to the plant carefully in a way not to damage the olives in 20-30kg wooden or plastic cases or saddles.


Olives brought to the brothels are laid and the leaves, wounded, dented, insect-eaten and more mature grains are extracted by hand.

4-Size Sorting:

Olives are divided into sizes according to their size by hand or simple hand sieves. However, the most suitable sorting machines are both time and labor saving. In recent years, these machines have been developed in various lengths and are chosen according to the purpose and provide great convenience to the brothels.


Generally, the work of boots is done by women in places where labor is low by drawing with 2-3 razors along the length of the calf and half of the flesh. It is more economical to use the boot machine for salamurhane. 6 tons of olive drawing machines started to be used. Buy Olives

6-Water Flavoring:

The olives drawn are put into fresh water in order to eliminate bitterness. Considering the melting properties of the water, it is suitable to use lime water, ie potable well water or low water hardness by preparing 2% brine. Glazed cube, concrete pool, fiberglass tank is used as fermentation vessel. The bitterness in olive oil is sweetened by passing the water within 20-30 days and from time to time by withdrawing the water. The sweetening is accelerated if the water is changed, but the softening increases in relative proportions, the water change does not fall down to 1 week. In general, water is not changed during sweetening. Water is changed once or twice near sweetening. Water is changed with sweetening and the olives are washed thoroughly. With this method, the duration of sweetening is increased up to 45 days. I'm REE.


Flavored olives are kept in brine for 15-30 days. The amount of salt to be put for 100 liters of water is 10 kg.dır.Therefore, 10% brine is prepared. Frequent salt checks are done to prevent salt ratio from falling down to 7-8%. The simplest way to make salt checks is by Baume aerometry. This rod-shaped top is a glass scale with a weight at the bottom. To measure salt with Baume, the brine to be measured is put into a long, narrow container. According to this scale dalar.Turka is the first figure outside of Baume floating in salt water gives the figure close to the percentage of salt coming to the full surface of the brine.For example, this figure 8 is 100lt. 8kg.tuz in the water melted in the state of the container while doing the controls both under and above the container should be taken from the top of the sample should be thoroughly mixed. Salt control should be done before the salt salt water should be done. Olives by pulling the salt into the brine gives the core water. The salt concentration of this low olive is continued until the brine is equal. Best Olives


The olives which take the salt in the brine for 15-30 days, are packaged in the prepared brine again this time. Depending on the hardness and maturity of the salt, the salt ratio of the brine in the salted water is between 5-7%. lime salt (citric acid) that does not exceed 1% to 1.5% of the packaging brine, such as the use of 5% brine for hard cereals, but less 7% brine for advanced olives. lactic acid used for this purpose is added.

9 Haziran 2019 Pazar


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